Mata PelajaranBahasa Inggris
TutorMuhamad Wirahadikusumah, S.Pd.
Jadwal PembelajaranMinggu, 10.00-11.30 WIB


TanggalJudul PembelajaranTujuan PembelajaranMateri / ModulKeterangan
17 Juli 2024What should I do?Mengekspresikan diri dalam meminta, memberikan, dan merespon saran dari pihak lain. Mengekspresikan diri dalam memberikan dan merespon tawaran dari pihak lain.Lihat ModulHal 1-13
14 Agustus 2024Can I help you?Mengekspresikan diri dalam meminta, memberikan, dan merespon saran dari pihak lain. Mengekspresikan diri dalam memberikan dan merespon tawaran dari pihak lain.Lihat ModulHal 14-21
11 Agustus 2024How do you feel about that?Mengekspresikan diri dalam meminta informasi tentang pendapat, pikiran, dan isu aktual yang ada, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan. Mengekspresikan diri dalam memberikan informasi tentang pendapat, pikiran, dan isu aktual yang ada, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan.Lihat ModulHal 1-9
09 Oktober 2024Therefore, we should save the earthMengekspresikan diri dalam meminta informasi tentang pendapat, pikiran, dan isu aktual yang ada, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan. Mengekspresikan diri dalam memberikan informasi tentang pendapat, pikiran, dan isu aktual yang ada, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan.Lihat ModulHal 10-29
13 November 2024I’m waiting for your invitationMenyusun surat undangan resmi sederhana dalam Bahasa Inggris. Menyusun surat pribadi sederhana dalam Bahasa Inggris.Lihat ModulHal 1-8
11 Desember 2024Send me a letterMenyusun surat undangan resmi sederhana dalam Bahasa Inggris. Menyusun surat pribadi sederhana dalam Bahasa Inggris.Lihat ModulHal 9-20


TanggalJudul PembelajaranTujuan PembelajaranMateri / ModulKeterangan
05 Februari 2025Animal LifeStudents will be able to explain objectively the cause and effect of soil erosion. Students will be able to understand the usage of transition and preposition to show cause
and effect. Students will be able to write adverbial clause of cause and effect by using different kind of subordinate conjunction. Students will be able to apply the moral message they found in a song and a folk story. Students will be able to use the vocabulary they found in a song and a passage. Students will be able to pronounce some words correctly.
Lihat ModulHal 1-13
05 Maret 2025Water CycleStudents will be able to explain objectively the cause and effect of soil erosion. Students will be able to understand the usage of transition and preposition to show cause
and effect. Students will be able to write adverbial clause of cause and effect by using different kind of subordinate conjunction. Students will be able to apply the moral message they found in a song and a folk story. Students will be able to use the vocabulary they found in a song and a passage. Students will be able to pronounce some words correctly.
Lihat ModulHal 14-21
02 April 2025Natural DisasterStudents will be able to explain objectively the cause and effect of soil erosion. Students will be able to understand the usage of transition and preposition to show cause and effect. Students will be able to write adverbial clause of cause and effect by using different kind of subordinate conjunction. Students will be able to apply the moral message they found in a song and a folk story. Students will be able to use the vocabulary they found in a song and a passage. Students will be able to pronounce some words correctly.Lihat
Hal 1-8
14 Mei 2025What A Wonderful WorldStudents will be able to explain objectively the cause and effect of soil erosion. Students will be able to understand the usage of transition and preposition to show cause and effect. Students will be able to write adverbial clause of cause and effect by using different kind of subordinate conjunction. Students will be able to apply the moral message they found in a song and a folk story. Students will be able to use the vocabulary they found in a song and a passage. Students will be able to pronounce some words correctly.Lihat
Hal 9-14